Technology Manager
Fast and convenient tool management in NX CAM
Efficient NC programming is based on good tool management. With the JANUS Technology Manager you get a universal solution for all of your technology management. All the important information, data and parameters relating to your tools are available any time, anywhere.
Use the advantages of the Technology Manager
- Convenient adaptation to production processes
- Extremely short implementation time of only a few days
- Central data access by all process participants
- High level of acceptance thanks to the use of wizards
- Open system to databases
An insight into the Technology Manager
As a basis for tool and technology management, the JANUS Technology Manager allows you to access several different databases. The intelligent architecture allows full functionality of a complex tool database despite of simple and easy to use data.
Fast configurations and adjustments allow a maximum degree of flexibility and expandability. Also handling of external data - such as import of catalogue data or export of information to external systems – is solved smart and easy by JANUS Technology Manager. The TMGR can also be used as a stand-alone solution - e.g. by die setter, warehouseman, machine operator.
Manage tools easy and efficient.
Simply choose the feature set that fits for you.
✔ Innovative user interface that allows easy creation, search and check of tools
✔ Management, creation and customization of Base Tools, Holder, Assemblies and Extensions
✔ Exchange and update of tools in NX CAM
✔ Automatic creation of 3D tool assemblies in NX
✔ Parametric Import of Tool Holders and Extensions
✔ Excel Import / Export of your tool database
✔ everything Alpha can do, plus:
✔ 3D import and export of tool components incl. creation of turning components
✔ Connection to Tool Preset like EvoSet or Zoller
✔ Installation (1 instance) + Short Training
✔ everything Delta can do, plus:
✔ Referencing of tools or creation of sister tools for easy machine exchange in the CAM program
✔ Visual tool comparison between CAM and TMGR database incl. one-click tool data update in NX
✔ Site License
Benefit from JANUS expertise
The Technology Manager is a universal tool developed by JANUS to make managing your technology easier. In contrast to other systems, we focus on the most important functions for the NC programmer for tool and technology management. In this way, we achieve a tool database that is easy to use.
Manage tools easy and efficient.
See the features
Benefit from JANUS expertise
The Technology Manager is a universal tool developed by JANUS to make managing your technology easier. In contrast to other systems, we focus on the most important functions for the NC programmer for tool and technology management. In this way, we achieve a tool database that is easy to use.