• Academic NX licenses


Academic NX licenses for universities, colleges and technical schools

As a university, college or technical school, you have the opportunity to purchase special academic licenses with support services and maintenance for NX. Students can even download a free NX Student Edition directly from Siemens.

The licenses include the advanced CAD/CAM technology with which educators can teach your students knowledge and skills in digital design and manufacturing.

The demands of the market and manufacturing companies are fast moving and sometimes very specific. By teaching these technologies, you prepare your students and pupils for these requirements and their professional lives in the best possible way.

Download the NX Student Edition 

We support you !

For JANUS, training and further education is an important part of our daily work. We therefore also support educational institutions with special conditions on JANUS software products and postprocessors, as well as on training courses in our training centre.

Contact us and find out more about our possibilities

*Mandatory fields